Why Boosting Self-Esteem in Our Preschoolers is Vital

By Tracy Wright
Girl smiling and posing

For preschoolers, developing positive self-esteem traits can make a huge impact in their lives, improving attitude, behavior and mental health. Self-esteem is defined as “confidence in one’s own worth or abilities; self-respect,” according to PositivePsychology.com. Boosting self-esteem in our preschoolers is essential for their development.

“Self-esteem can start as early as babyhood. It develops slowly over time. It can start just because a child feels safe, loved and accepted,” said Nemours Health. “As babies become toddlers and young children, they’re able to do some things all by themselves. They feel good about themselves when they can use their new skills. Their self-esteem grows when parents pay attention, let a child try, give smiles and show they’re proud.”

On the contrary, negative self-esteem can contribute to an “I can’t attitude,” feeling embarrassed, lacking confidence, and avoiding people or situations, according to Sanford Health.

“Every child is different. Self-esteem may come easier to some kids than others. And some kids face things that can lower their self-esteem. But even if a child’s self-esteem is low, it can be raised,” said Nemours Health.

Boosting self-esteem in our preschoolers is important. Just like the physical body, a child’s self-esteem grows over time and can be fostered with appropriate strategies from parents and family.

These include:

1. Helping your child try new things to help them gain confidence. This could be a sports or physical activity or by doing a chore, completing a task or reaching a learning milestone.

2. Offer praise, but not too much. Offer most of your praise for effort, progress and attitude so that it seems sincere to your child.

3. Let your child lead when they pursue new tasks. Allow them to have a modicum of control when it comes to choices.

4. Focus on positives and let them know you are proud.

5. Be a positive role model for your child when accomplishing chores and tasks.

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