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A Meditation Guide for Tween

Life can be hard. During the tween years, hormones are wreaking havoc on young bodies and emotions. School increases in intensity, social cliques form, kids get more involved in sports and afterschool activities. Tweens may also start using social media… read more


Today’s Ultrasound Options

A generation or two ago, a baby’s first picture would have to wait until his birthday, snapped on a Polaroid camera or captured on film. These days, once that line turns blue on the pregnancy test, a mama-to-be can see… read more

Birthday Freebies

Birthday Freebies

There’s nothing better than some celebration and special moments on your birthday. And getting freebies from your favorite brands is just one way to make your day full of fun (and let’s face it, tons of sweet treats). And whether… read more

EASY DIY Valentine’s Day Treats

From writing valentines to prepping delicious treats, getting your child ready for Valentine’s Day can be overwhelming. With class parties, doilies and cards galore, getting in the spirit to celebrate a day of “love” can be a struggle for all… read more

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