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Balancing Pet Ownership and Allergies

“Mom! When are we getting a dog?” If just hearing that phrase makes your sinuses hurt, your eyes water and your throat swell, you are not alone. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, as much as… read more

Motivating Your Child to Love Learning

Excitement for and love of learning is what all parents and teachers want for their students. As a teacher I find nothing more exhilarating than having my students’ eyes twinkle with excitement or laugh with delight during a lesson. Because… read more

Choosing Your Grandparent Name

It is said that bringing a child into the world is the greatest moment of your life — a moment so overwhelmingly emotional that only one other milestone can top it: welcoming your first grandchild. Witnessing your baby, who you… read more

Everyday Teachable Moments

It is certainly true that many sensitive topics in life (the birds and the bees, drugs, divorce or natural disasters) cause even the most comfortable parents to be a little uneasy. While those conversations may not be a piece of… read more

22 Medicine Cabinet Must Haves

The medicine cabinet are the handiest place to keep your family’s daily essentials. Of course, you’ll want to keep your toothpaste, dental floss and body lotion in your medicine cabinet. But depending on the ages and needs of your growing… read more

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