
Bucket of popcorn spilled on the ground

How True is the 5 Second Rule?

We’ve all heard about the "5 second rule." You know, where you drop food on the floor but pick it up within five seconds to avoid germs. It sounds good, but is it accurate? The Truth of the 5 Second… read more

Woman using skin serum

7 Vitamin C Products for Radiant Skin

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “normal skin contains high concentrations of vitamin C, which supports important and well-known functions, stimulating collagen synthesis and assisting in antioxidant protection against UV-induced photo damage.” As you age and through exposure… read more

A person with two colored eyes

A Tale of Two Eye Colors: Heterochromia

around the world who captivate us with one of nature’s most fascinating anomalies: heterochromia. What is heterochromia? Heterochromia refers to the condition where the color of a person's two eyes are unique to each other or they have color variations… read more

Mother holding up sign that says help

How to Handle New Parent Stress

From the moment you found out that a baby was on the way, you were likely filled with lots of emotions, including stress. How will we afford this new child? What are the plans for childcare and taking time off… read more

Person washing hands

Bursting the Bubble: Why We Wash Our Hands

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, the importance of proper hand washing often takes a backseat. However, the consequences of this seemingly harmless neglect can be far- reaching and, in some cases, dangerous to you and your loved… read more

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