According to the Mayo Clinic, the definition of acne is “a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects… read more
Mental Health Issues in Children: Understand, Identify and Help
Mental health issues affect people of all ages, and they may impact children more than you might think. According to Johns Hopkins University, a study completed between 2016 and 2019 showed that “21.8% of U.S. children ages 3 to 17… read more
Safety First! Preparing Your Home First Aid Kit
In the case of an accident or illness, it’s important to feel assured you have the supplies needed to keep you and your family safe and healthy. While each family’s specific needs will differ, Mayo Clinic and American Red Cross… read more
Cleaning in the New Year: Dust Allergies
If you find yourself with a stuffy nose and watery eyes, your seasonal pollen allergies may not be to blame. Dust may be the true culprit. But don’t fret – there are ways to find relief. What is dust, really?… read more
Avoid Cooties and Colds to Keep Your Child Healthy
Cooties have been running wild in schools for years. They tend to lie mysteriously dormant until recess, when girls chase boys around the playground and vice versa. It is nearly impossible for children to avoid catching this imagined disease. I… read more
How to Handle New Parent Stress
From the moment you found out that a baby was on the way, you were likely filled with lots of emotions, including stress. How will we afford this new child? What are the plans for childcare and taking time off… read more
Why You Should Never Ever Skip Hand-Washing
Washing your hands might seem like a small, simple habit, but it’s one of the most important and effective ways to protect yourself and others from unwanted germs. Your hands are busy all day — touching doorknobs, typing on keyboards,… read more
Get Off the Couch! Why Kids Need an Active Lifestyle
Activity is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle as well as critical in childhood development. Many of us grew up outdoors and played outside every afternoon until dinnertime. We played wiffle ball, rode bikes, explored trails, waded in creek… read more
How to Keep Blood Pressure Under Control
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your knowledge about blood pressure? Many people have a general awareness of blood pressure readings and likely know one or more people with hypertension or elevated blood pressure, but do you… read more
How True is the 5 Second Rule?
We’ve all heard about the "5 second rule." You know, where you drop food on the floor but pick it up within five seconds to avoid germs. It sounds good, but is it accurate? The Truth of the 5 Second… read more