How to Tame the Mean Green: Anti-Nausea Foods

By Lindsey Johnson
Pregnant lady at doctor

The first pregnancy clue often comes in an unpleasant package with a sense of queasiness or a rush to the bathroom. For many women, the first trimester may be a series of green days due to hormone fluctuations and bodily adjustments. For most who experience nausea and/or vomiting, this tends to ease up in the second trimester. The lucky few will skip this symptom altogether while others may experience it throughout the entire pregnancy. Whether you experience it once or routinely, nobody likes that feeling! Here are some anti-nausea foods and tips to try.


Sometimes prevention is the best medicine. Cleveland Clinic reports that approximately 70% of pregnant women experience “morning sickness” in the first trimester. Don’t be fooled by the name — pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting can hit any time of day. The increase in certain hormones (estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) produced by the mother along with GDF15 produced by the fetus), low blood sugar and blood pressure fluctuations are some of the causes of pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting. Staying ahead of it may reduce frequency and severity of symptoms.

Medical News Today says that a bland diet can help prevent nausea in pregnant women. Avoiding spicy, greasy and fatty foods, along with foods high in sugar or with a strong odor can minimize feelings of nausea. Because many cooked foods contain a strong smell, some women find that a diet primarily of cold foods helps avoid the odor-induced nausea.

Bland Bedside Snacks

Cleveland Clinic suggests keeping bland crackers at bedside and having a few to settle your stomach first thing in the morning. Sometimes an empty stomach can cause nausea and by getting a little something in there first thing, you can get ahead of it.

Drinking Water

It’s also important to stay hydrated. Keep water nearby and sip throughout the day. Some women also find it helpful to drink cold and carbonated beverages to minimize nausea. Drinking decaffeinated tea can also help you stay hydrated and ease stomach discomfort. Avoid caffeinated tea and other drinks – these can make nausea worse and caffeine in pregnancy should be limited for healthy fetal growth.

Getting Your Protein In

Protein may act as an anti-nausea food. Consuming enough protein can help keep nausea at bay, according to Medical News Today. Protein will increase satiety as well as bring important nutrients to the fetus. Nuts and nut butters, beans, cheese, yogurt and eggs are good snacking options, particularly between meals. Chicken broth may also be more tolerable and contains protein and other nutrients.

Meal Size Matters

Eating smaller, more frequent meals may also help keep nausea away because it will help you maintain steady blood sugar levels. Keep snacks handy throughout the day to head off any nausea that tries to creep in! Dry foods like crackers and pretzels along with a side of peanut butter are a good option.

Easing Nausea

Once nausea has set in, it can be difficult to find a quick remedy. Ginger, whether freshly ground into a tea or in the form of ginger candies, can help alleviate nausea. Fruits and vegetables that are high in water content such as celery, watermelon, citrus and bell peppers can be helpful.

When nausea and vomiting are severe, stick to the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) until you feel better. Taking small bites and consuming small quantities at a time may help you absorb food better.

If pregnancy queasiness comes calling, do your best to eat what you can tolerate. Take your prenatal vitamin with a snack to keep the nutrients flowing while your diet is limited. As unpleasant as it is, remind yourself that this too shall pass. Your body is working hard to create a whole other person!

If you are concerned with your symptoms or nausea, speak to your doctor at once.

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