On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your knowledge about blood pressure? Many people have a general awareness of blood pressure readings and likely know one or more people with hypertension or elevated blood pressure, but do you… read more
How True is the 5 Second Rule?
We’ve all heard about the "5 second rule." You know, where you drop food on the floor but pick it up within five seconds to avoid germs. It sounds good, but is it accurate? The Truth of the 5 Second… read more
Lead Poisoning: Protecting Children From this Toxic Foe
When people think of lead poisoning, they often think of stories about lead paint poisoning from homes built in the 1970s. In 2024, it is not necessarily high on the list of concerns for most. In an age where there… read more
Learning to Live with Type 1 Diabetes
This past May, our oldest son Tyler graduated from high school. This past May, he also hit another milestone. It was his five-year “dia-versary,” the anniversary of the first day of his Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis. And while we didn’t… read more
The Teal Pumpkin Project: Protecting Kids with Allergies
As Halloween festivities and trick-or-treating trickle to a stop, most kids start digging into the mounds of candy they collected. However, children with food allergies and intolerances must be more cautious when sorting through their treats from the night. What… read more
Facing the Sunday Blues: How to Take Back Your Weekend
Have you ever had those feelings of stress and anxiety - A.K.A. the Sunday Blues - creep into your Sunday afternoon? That apprehension to face Monday: the harbinger of a stressful work week ahead? You would not be alone. What… read more
Mental Health Issues in Children: Understand, Identify and Help
Mental health issues affect people of all ages, and they may impact children more than you might think. According to Johns Hopkins University, a study completed between 2016 and 2019 showed that “21.8% of U.S. children ages 3 to 17… read more
Avoid Cooties and Colds to Keep Your Child Healthy
Cooties have been running wild in schools for years. They tend to lie mysteriously dormant until recess, when girls chase boys around the playground and vice versa. It is nearly impossible for children to avoid catching this imagined disease. I… read more
Exercising While You’re Pregnant
With so many information sources in the media, many expecting mothers may suddenly find themselves overwhelmed with questions surrounding their pregnancy, specifically when it comes to their exercise routines. Is it OK to keep exercising while pregnant? How soon should… read more
How Poor Nutrition Impacts Your Child’s Education
It is well known that good nutrition is important for building strong bones and muscles and functioning at peak performance. However, not all children get optimal nutrition in their daily diets. This can be from not having access to healthy… read more