A peaceful night of stargazing around a gently popping camp-fire sounds like an excellent way to regroup with the ones you love. There’s a lot of planning involved in engineering a family camping trip. But whether it’s a camp out, a cabin, a lodge or a hotel, you’re going to have fun, but it is important to keep camping safety in mind.
There are millions of websites related to the things you must have. The one major thing that Dad needs to avoid are the big mistakes.
Here’s a list of DON’Ts:
Don’t pack a 75 lb. backpack for a three-day trip
- Overpacking can lead to a really sore vacation. Remind everybody what roughing it means for your family. At the same time, it never hurts to have extra shoes, socks, batteries and bug spray.
Don’t forget toilet paper
- Make sure everybody is comfortable with the camp sites bathroom arrangements (or lack thereof) prior to departure.
Don’t camp close to a stream
- Even if it seems like a small trickle. If unexpected rain creeps in, you could find yourself white water rafting in the dark.
Don’t get sprayed by a skunk
- Learn about the local wildlife. Bear-proof containers are available. Packing too much food can attract animals.
Don’t carry a burned out flashlight
- Check the condition of your equipment prior to the trip. Learn how to use any new gadgets before you get out in the woods.
Don’t let the sun go down on the family
- Arrive at your camp site with enough daylight to prepare the area.
Don’t let the kids run loose
- For the sake of safety, keep a close eye on all of your loved ones.
Don’t stink up the joint
- Pick up all your trash and be respectful of nature. Remember that others may like to enjoy that site, too. Experienced campers leave no trace.
Don’t forget your compass(es) or maps
- Finding yourself slightly off course in some parks can be frightening.
Don’t forget the stakes for your tent
- If it’s a new or borrowed tent, pitch it in the backyard first. Sometimes tents are tricky to set up. Make sure you’re not missing any pieces.
Although camping safety is important, don’t stress too much about what is supposed to be a vacation. Even if Dad does make mistakes, it will soon be chalked up as a funny family memory. Everybody will remember a lot more about the hiking, canoeing, fishing and marshmallow roasting.