Nicole Irving, Publisher and Editor-In-Chief

Baby wearing Santa outfit

How to Celebrate a Christmas Baby

Welcoming a new baby into the world creates a whole new set of logistics for parents. Having a baby on Christmas Day can make things even more complicated. Now that they are here, how do you make them feel special… read more

Melted snowman in ball ornament

Homemade Holiday Ornaments

Making homemade holiday ornaments with your children is a wonderful holiday tradition to start! These little trinkets can make great gifts for grandparents and relatives, and each year they will have a new one to add to their tree or… read more

Bottle of insulin

Learning to Live with Type 1 Diabetes

This past May, our oldest son Tyler graduated from high school. This past May, he also hit another milestone. It was his five-year “dia-versary,” the anniversary of the first day of his Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis. And while we didn’t… read more