We all know the hardest job you can have is being a parent. The days are definitely long and the years are astonishingly short and some days you might feel like you’re going through the struggles alone. But, we are here to share some tips and tricks from local parents that can make being a mom or dad a little less stressful! This time, stocking stuffers is the topic in question.
At our house, we have hand-knitted stockings made with love by my late grandmother. As the years went on and the kids kept coming, the stockings seemed to, well, grown bigger and bigger. Meaning, grandma was testing the creative spirits of good ole Saint Nick as to what to fill the stockings with! To help stuff your stockings this holiday season, we’ve turned to our very own local Santa’s helpers have some creative and fun ideas to get his juices flowing.

Matchbox cars!
Toothbrush, socks, gift cards, candy and golf balls.

“Langiappe” which is just “a little something extra” so $5 or so. It was a tradition from my grandmother that I do for the boys.
Flash drives for school, ChapStick, one gift card to their favorite restaurant (since we don’t eat out much), one “Robuxs” gift card (or whatever gaming money they are into at that time), their favorite candy, new sunglasses, new hair accessories, new combs for him, mini Bluetooth players, fun pens and markers, and nail polish.

Fruit, like an orange
Fruit, toothbrushes and toothpaste, a simple toy, small stuffed animal and a gift card to Chick-fil-A.

Always new underwear!