Making homemade holiday ornaments with your children is a wonderful holiday tradition to start! These little trinkets can make great gifts for grandparents and relatives, and each year they will have a new one to add to their tree or holiday display. Our ornaments are perfect for all ages and crafting skill levels!
Melted snowman ornament
What you need:

To make the nose, roll out a very small piece of the FIMO clay into a carrot shape; it can be as big or little as you want. Use a toothpick to make little lines through the nose for a realistic look. Lay the carrots on a baking sheet and follow FIMO clay instructions to bake. Once done, pull them out and let cool.
Carefully take the top of the ornament off and lay aside. Use a small funnel (or a folded piece of paper) to pour kosher salt into the ornament. Add black peppercorns to represent the eyes and buttons. Drop in a carrot nose.
Once everything is in the ornament, place the top back on. If it needs added security, add a touch of hot glue to the top. Finally, tie a festive ribbon on to complete your homemade holiday ornament!

Cinnamon stick tree ornament
What you need:

Cut green fabric into three 4-inch strips. Tie them to the cinnamon stick, equally spaced. Trim the fabric to desired length.
Next, hot glue the three small buttons to the green fabric where it is connected to the cinnamon stick. Hot glue the star button to one end of the “tree.”
Once dry, hot glue the ribbon to the tree in a loop, and then hang from your tree or another holiday display.