Featured Teacher: Lauren Watrobsky

By Giggle Magazine
Image of Lauren Watrobsky

Our Featured Teacher is Lauren Watrobsky!

I am a native of Florida and have been a resident of Jupiter since 1982. I am the mom to two teenage boys, Ben (18) currently attending UCF and Troy (17) currently at Jupiter Community High School. Along with the two of them, I have two cats, S’mores & Charlotte, and two dogs, Coco and Sheamus. I have been in early childhood education since 2008 and have been with Tree Top Academy since 2012. I always tell new families to my class that my goal for your child is to make sure that they have a love for learning and school, and that I can’t wait to see their growth throughout the year.

Where do you teach?

Tree Top Academy, located in Jupiter, FL

What grade/age do you teach?


How long have you been a teacher?

I am currently in my 15th year.

What subject do you teach?

Working at a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool gives me the chance to teach the children based on what they are interested in, while incorporating the VPK standards into our daily routine.

Why were you inspired to teach?

I love to work with children and watch them grow. It truly is rewarding to see a child’s face light up when they have their “ah-ha!” moment.

What is your favorite part of the school day?

I would have to say that my favorite part of the day is the moment that I open the class door. The children are so eager to get to class and start the day.

Do you have a favorite assignment/ project that you typically assign your students?

Since I work with 4- and 5-year olds, my favorite projects are the sentimental crafts that go home for holidays such as ornaments at Christmas, magnets at Valentine’s Day and questionnaires for Mother’s Day.

How do you wind down from a long day of teaching?

I like to unwind by relaxing with my dogs and watching my favorite shows.

What hobbies do you enjoy?

I enjoy quality time with friends and family. I also love to travel and experience new places.

Share a funny teaching moment.

Since I work at a preschool, all the children call me Ms. Lauren, but last school year I had a couple of the children who didn’t realize that my name was Ms. Lauren and, to them, I was known as “Ms. Lois” and “Ms. Leary.” They were too cute when they said it, that I stuck with those names for the rest of the school year.

If you were a superhero, who would you be?

I wouldn’t want to be your traditional superhero, but more like Mr. Rogers. He made everyone feel loved and he had a calm and nurturing presence to him.

What is your favorite children’s book?

My favorite children’s author is Eric Carle and my favorite book of his is “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.”

What do you look forward to on the first day of school?

On the first day of school, I always love getting to know each of the children more. Once we have established a routine and seeing how happy they are at the end of their day and telling their parents all about what they did really makes for a great start to the beginning of a school year.

3 pieces of advice for parents of preschoolers

The three pieces of advice that I want to give to parents are:
1. Remember that they are little and there is always a chance for your child to learn through play.
2. Encourage your children to learn and try new things.
3. Instill independence by giving them support and encouragement when they try new things, which will help make them want to try more at school too.

What is your favorite thing about the holiday season?

My favorite thing about the holiday season is spending time with family. Being closed for two weeks at Christmas and New Year’s gives me a chance to spend time with my own two boys and family that lives in other states.

Do you know a teacher who goes above and beyond for his students? An administrator who is truly devoted to making her school a better place? Giggle Magazine wants to know!

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