Featured Teacher: Jazly Pizzuti

By Giggle Magazine
Featured Teacher Jazly Pizzuti

Meet our Featured Teacher, Jazly Pizzuti!

Jazly Pizzuti is a passionate educator with over thirteen years of experience teaching students from elementary to university levels. Currently a doctoral candidate in Curriculum & Instruction at Florida Atlantic University, Jazly brings a rich blend of theoretical knowledge and is known for her engaging teaching style that blends deep academic insights with practical life lessons. Her approach is always centered on understanding and developing each student’s unique strengths.


I am proud to be an educator at Turtle River Montessori.


I teach in a unique classroom setting that embraces the Montessori method by combining three age groups. My students range from fourth to sixth grade, fostering a dynamic learning environment where students inspire and learn from each other.


I have been happily dedicated to the teaching profession for 13 years.


I teach all academics.

Why were you inspired to teach?

I come from a long line of educators in my family. Growing up surrounded by teachers, academia, books and learning, I was deeply influenced by the educational environment. A reading and writing teacher in the fifth grade profoundly impacted my love of literature and writing, which further solidified my path in education. I suppose it was always the direction meant for me.

What is your favorite part of the school day?

My favorite part of the school day is the morning, when my students enter our classroom. There is something so special and rewarding about seeing the students come in, happy to be in the classroom and excited to learn and create memories with their teacher and friends.

Do you have a favorite assignment/project that you typically assign your students?

My favorite assignment involves conducting close readings as a whole group to analyze figurative language and understand the meaning behind an author’s decision to use specific literary devices, which enhance the tone and mood of the text. My students thoroughly enjoy this work. However, we enjoy all student-led project-based assignments. These projects not only engage but also empower the students, making learning both impactful and enjoyable.

How do you wind down from a long day of teaching?

It depends on the evening, but after a long day of teaching, I recharge by either practicing a bit of yoga to ease the day’s rush or by enjoying cooking dinner for my family — it’s my way of unwinding while doing something I love. To end the evening, I usually try to watch some form of comedy, because nothing beats ending the day with a good laugh!

What hobbies do you enjoy?

Some of the hobbies I enjoy include reading, watercolor painting and engaging in activities that connect me with nature.

Share a funny teaching moment.

One funny and memorable day, while learning about Vikings and their practices of raiding and selling items back to their original owners, my co-teacher, Ms. Morgan, and I decided to bring history to life. We had previously introduced a system where students could earn gems, which we called “penningar” (Viking currency), through community service. Unbeknownst to the students, while they were out for specials, we “raided” the classroom, taking their laptops and supplies. The shock on their faces upon returning was priceless! They quickly turned into strategic planning as they used their earned penningar to “buy back” their items, many creating alliances to minimize their spending. This practical exercise not only made them (and us) laugh but also deeply connected them to the historical period, creating a vivid, empathetic understanding of Viking life. It remains a fondly remembered lesson amongst my students that beautifully bridged past and present.

If you were a superhero, who would you be?

I would be Wolverine. First of all, he is simply awesome, but he also embodies resilience, loyalty and a fierce sense of justice. His commitment to his team and protective nature resonates with me. Just as Wolverine recovers and pushes forward no matter the challenge, I strive to instill the same perseverance in my students, teaching them to thrive in the face of challenges.

What is your favorite book?

Although, I deeply enjoy “The Great Gatsby” and “The Alchemist,” and appreciate anything written by Hemingway or academic writings about feminism, I would have to say my favorite book is “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love,” by Raymond Carver. I have a particular fondness for short stories, and Carver’s masterful exploration of love and human relationships resonates with me profoundly.

What are you looking forward to on the first day of school?

On the first day of school, I look forward to the vibrant energy and excitement that fills the air as I meet my new students (and their families). It is a day full of promise and possibilities. I am especially eager to start building relationships with each student, learning about their unique interests and planning how we can explore these together throughout the year.

If you could share 3 pieces of advice to parents about how to make school time amazing, what would it be?

1. Foster Open Communication. Maintaining open communication between parents and teachers is crucial for supporting a child’s success. Regular updates, whether through email, phone calls or parent-teacher conferences, ensure that both parties can effectively address any concerns and celebrate achievements as a team. This parent-teacher collaboration helps tailor educational strategies to meet the unique needs of each student and supports their success.

2. Promote a Reading Culture. Encourage reading at home by creating a family reading time or setting challenges, like reading a new book each month. This not only improves literacy skills but also opens up discussions about different topics, enhancing critical thinking and curiosity.

3. Encourage Independence. Support your child in becoming responsible for their own learning and daily preparations. Skills like organizing their school materials, managing homework and preparing for the next school day are essential for fostering independence, self- confidence and accountability.

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