There’s nothing better than some celebration and special moments on your birthday. And getting freebies from your favorite brands is just one way to make your day full of fun (and let’s face it, tons of sweet treats). And whether… read more
Happy Home
For What It’s Worth: Keep or Donate?
I was standing with a friend of mine sipping coffee as she was rummaging through some yard sale finds. As she picked up a cool, retro lampshade, I asked her why she had bought it. It wasn’t really her style… read more
#ParentHacks: How do you get your kids to help clean the house?
We all know that the hardest job you can have is being a parent! The days are definitely long and the years are astonishingly short. Some days you might feel like you're going through the struggles alone. But, we are… read more
Cleaning in the New Year: Dust Allergies
If you find yourself with a stuffy nose and watery eyes, your seasonal pollen allergies may not be to blame. Dust may be the true culprit. But don’t fret – there are ways to find relief. What is dust, really?… read more
5 Tips to Organize Your Kitchen
Did you resolve to improve your family's diet in this year? Have you made much progress? It's a good idea to supplement talk about healthful eating with a kitchen makeover. Food preparation is easier for gung-ho chefs as well as… read more
DIY Advent Calendar Trees
The Christmas countdown has begun! Our easy and festive DIY advent calendar trees are a fun way to add a special personal touch to the holiday season. Create a Christmas tree countdown Start by gluing festive craft paper, found at… read more
Spiders: Nature’s (Scary) Pest Control
Fall is here and Halloween is soon approaching. Along with it comes spooky tales of ghouls, ghosts, witches and spiders. Yes, those eight-legged creepy crawlies found in the corners of our rooms to sprawling webs in the outdoors. Spiders have… read more
Crafting with Katie: Fall Leaf Stamping
Ah, fall is in the air! For us in the South, we still have a while to go before we can pull out those flannels and scarves, but we can surely enjoy some pumpkin spice lattes and creative pumpkin home… read more
Local Places to Donate Gently Used Items: Out with the Old, In with the New
August brings growth spurts for your little ones and the start of a new school year. New clothes, new teachers, new school supplies... the list is endless. Instead of throwing away the clothing and toys your children outgrew, donate them… read more
How to Prep Your Home for a Florida Summer
Summer is upon us and it’s time to prep that house for what is coming. While fun in the sun is on the agenda this summer, Florida has a reputation for packing a punch with bugs, heat and storms that… read more