Life can be hard. During the tween years, hormones are wreaking havoc on young bodies and emotions. School increases in intensity, social cliques form, kids get more involved in sports and afterschool activities. Tweens may also start using social media… read more
How to Navigate Body Odor and Your Tween!
As our children transition into “tween-hood,” we notice a variety of changes due to the influx of hormones. These can include mood changes, body development, hair growth and, of course, body odor. Girls typically begin puberty between the ages of… read more
Stop the Snark: How to Deal with Sarcasm in Your Child
“Oh wow... I can’t WAIT to hang out with my brother all day.” Parents of tweens and teens... did you spot that? Yup that’s a clear case of sarcasm! Couple that with a classic eye roll, and you’ve just been… read more
How to Guide Your Tween Through a Break Up
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, today the average age that kids start dating is 12 and a half for girls, and 13 and a half for boys. In addition, the dating scene for many of these tweens consists… read more
How to Manage Body Image in Tweens
Being a tween and teen is a rollercoaster of hormones, emotions and drama. One of the biggest hurdles they face can be related to body image. Social media doesn’t help — with so many messages being about the “ideal” body… read more
How to Help Your Child Overcome Stage Fright
Stage fright, also referred to as performance anxiety, is a prevalent issue that can affect anyone, from young children to seasoned adults. This form of anxiety manifests as a nervous or fearful feeling before or during a performance. While it… read more
Is Discord Safe for My Child?
Discord, a new app on the scene, has exploded in popularity as a way for teens to connect through an online platform. But with every new social media program, we as parents have to ask whether or not it is… read more
How to Help Your Child Handle Tryouts Like a True Champion
At one point or another, every child will face the fact that they have to complete a tryout or a preliminary round before being able to participate in a certain activity. This tryout could be for a school play, a… read more
Phones and Kids: Shaping the New Age of Phone Users
In an era dominated by technology, the age at which children receive their first phone has steadily decreased. In fact, a 2021 report by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit that provides entertainment and technology recommendations for families, revealed that a… read more
Sibling Sitters: When to Leave Your Kids Home Alone
One of the first steps to independence happens long before driving a car or heading off to college. For both parents and children alike, this step is leaving your kids home alone. This might be the point where you have… read more