Between the ages of 1 and 4, some children may develop crossed eyes. This is clinically known as strabismus. According to Boston Children’s Hospital, about 2% to 4% of children in the U.S. are afflicted with the condition. Crossed Eyes… read more
School Drop-Off: How to Handle a Child’s Separation Anxiety
You pull up to the school, put the car in the park and sense the tears building in your baby's eyes as they say, “But I just want to stay with you today.” The reality of seeing your little one… read more
Ready, Set, Potty Train! When to Potty Train Your Child
So — you’ve made it through the newborn phase sleep struggles and may feel like you’re finally in a settled place as a parent. But now it’s time to potty train your child, which can be a very grueling time… read more
Can Ear Tubes Help My Toddler?
We’ve all had kids with ear infections—the pain, high fever and lethargy are awful for toddlers and parents! Unfortunately, some kids are just more prone to getting frequent infections, which can be awfully uncomfortable for toddlers, and even worse, cause… read more
Teeth Decay in Toddlers: Tell the ‘Tooth’
It’s so exciting when those first few teeth appear in our babies’ mouths, but decay can develop as soon as our children sprout baby teeth. What causes tooth decay? Typically caused when bacteria and other materials are left on teeth,… read more
Inchstones: Celebrate the Little Things in Life
Birthdays, first words, first steps, first days of school — these and others like them are the milestones that often define our children, in their sense of accomplishment and their progression in development. But recently, parents have been embracing a… read more
How to Create a Quiet Time Kit for Your Toddler
Ask any toddler mom how she feels about quiet time, and you’ll likely get similar reactions: a mix of sighs, “I wish,” and “Wouldn’t that be nice.” Toddlers are naturally curious and active, often leaving parents tired and wishing for… read more