
Mother and daughter laying in bed talking

Conversation Starters for Kids!

You may have become accustomed to a one-sentence, or sometimes one-word, response from your child when you ask them about their day. It may be frustrating when it seems difficult to get them to share things happening in their lives.… read more

Two kids getting help with their homework

Do You Think Your Child Needs a Tutor?

The scene is played out in homes all around town. A showdown—day after day, mom or dad vs. a child. Homework papers sprawled on the table in front of them, heads in hands, tears, frustration and confusion. Many times parents… read more

Family celebrating Christmas

How to Stop Holiday Greed

It is easy to say that we won’t get caught up in the craziness of the holidays and give in to the classic "I want" and “give me” requests. But before we know it, it becomes harder to say no… read more

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