Conception 2 College

Pregnant woman in black dress holding her back

Is Back Pain in Pregnancy Inevitable?

Back pain is one of the most common complaints of pregnancy. Cedars-Sinai reports that 50% to 80% of women experience some back discomfort during gestation. Is it inevitable? How can you prevent it and treat it? When should you talk… read more

gagging in babies

Gagging in Babies

Most babies are ready to start solids at around five to six months. While this is an exciting milestone, sometimes the transition can be challenging especially when your baby may gag when trying new foods. Why do Babies Gag “Gagging… read more

A Meditation Guide for Tween

Life can be hard. During the tween years, hormones are wreaking havoc on young bodies and emotions. School increases in intensity, social cliques form, kids get more involved in sports and afterschool activities. Tweens may also start using social media… read more


Today’s Ultrasound Options

A generation or two ago, a baby’s first picture would have to wait until his birthday, snapped on a Polaroid camera or captured on film. These days, once that line turns blue on the pregnancy test, a mama-to-be can see… read more

Two kids getting help with their homework

Do You Think Your Child Needs a Tutor?

The scene is played out in homes all around town. A showdown—day after day, mom or dad vs. a child. Homework papers sprawled on the table in front of them, heads in hands, tears, frustration and confusion. Many times parents… read more

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