Most babies are ready to start solids at around five to six months. While this is an exciting milestone, sometimes the transition can be challenging especially when your baby may gag when trying new foods. Why do Babies Gag “Gagging… read more
Tracy Wright
How to Assess and Treat Crossed Eyes in Your Child
Between the ages of 1 and 4, some children may develop crossed eyes. This is clinically known as strabismus. According to Boston Children’s Hospital, about 2% to 4% of children in the U.S. are afflicted with the condition. Crossed Eyes… read more
Causes of UTIs in Kids and How to Prevent Them
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in adults but can also occur in young children. Unfortunately, the effects of a UTI can be extremely painful. UTIs in kids may also be difficult to identify, and, if not treated early, can… read more
Why Boosting Self-Esteem in Our Preschoolers is Vital
For preschoolers, developing positive self-esteem traits can make a huge impact in their lives, improving attitude, behavior and mental health. Self-esteem is defined as “confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect,” according to Boosting self-esteem in our preschoolers… read more
How to Navigate Body Odor and Your Tween!
As our children transition into “tween-hood,” we notice a variety of changes due to the influx of hormones. These can include mood changes, body development, hair growth and, of course, body odor. Girls typically begin puberty between the ages of… read more
What are Umbilical Hernias in Infants?
Most hernias occur in adults in the abdomen or groin as an organ pushes through the muscle or tissue. However, about 20% of infants are born with an umbilical hernia, when some of the baby’s intestines push through the abdominal… read more
Ready, Set, Potty Train! When to Potty Train Your Child
So — you’ve made it through the newborn phase sleep struggles and may feel like you’re finally in a settled place as a parent. But now it’s time to potty train your child, which can be a very grueling time… read more
Stop the Snark: How to Deal with Sarcasm in Your Child
“Oh wow... I can’t WAIT to hang out with my brother all day.” Parents of tweens and teens... did you spot that? Yup that’s a clear case of sarcasm! Couple that with a classic eye roll, and you’ve just been… read more
How True is the 5 Second Rule?
We’ve all heard about the "5 second rule." You know, where you drop food on the floor but pick it up within five seconds to avoid germs. It sounds good, but is it accurate? The Truth of the 5 Second… read more
How to Manage Body Image in Tweens
Being a tween and teen is a rollercoaster of hormones, emotions and drama. One of the biggest hurdles they face can be related to body image. Social media doesn’t help — with so many messages being about the “ideal” body… read more