Benign neglect is a popular buzzword lately, thanks to celebrities like Jennifer Garner. The Oxford Dictionary defines benign neglect as “noninterference that is intended to benefit someone or something more than continual attention would.” Is benign neglect the latest new… read more
Lindsey Johnson
Teaching Your Child Independence: Let Them Learn the Hard Way
No parent wants to see their child fail. Our protective instincts sometimes urge us to help our children avoid mistakes and bail them out of difficult situations. However, mistakes and failure are part of life — nobody is exempt. When… read more
Tucked in Tight: Compression Wear in Pregnancy
There are many physical changes that happen during pregnancy. Despite the obvious ones, there are others that you may not yet know about. Being prepared can help you know what to expect and what to do to ease the aches… read more
18 for 18 Challenge: Delaying Social Media Use
One Minnesota teen is $1,800 richer thanks to completing the 18 for 18 Challenge his mother created for him. When Sivert Klefsass was just 12 years old, his mother Lorna issued him a challenge: stay off social media until he… read more