Crystal Ladwig, Ph. D.

Mother and daughter

Teacher Appreciation: AKA Celebrating Mom

This is a special time of year — Mother’s Day, springtime flowers and spring festivals abound. Schools of all types, including homeschools, start thinking about wrapping things up for the year and begin planning for the next. What better time… read more

Mother homeschooling daughter while sitting at desk with laptop

How Can I Homeschool With a New Baby?

You made the decision to homeschool, went to the conferences, bought the curricula, and figured out how to make it work for your family. You even found a local co-op to help provide that much-needed adult interaction and support for… read more

People celebrating St. Patty's Day

Celebrate Holidays and Their History

Without counting – answer this question: How many holidays are there in February and March? Groundhog Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day. The list grows even longer if we add religious holidays like Good Friday… read more

Child touching a globe

How to Make Civics Fun

As we enter a new election season (which seems to last for years these days), civics education is at the is at the forefront of our conversations. Homeschoolers stereotypically (but truly) love to take advantage of real-world situations and turn… read more

Person taking written test

College Admission Tests for Homeschoolers

A common question among those considering homeschooling is “what to do I do when my children enters high school?” Parents may worry about academic demands, transcripts and college admission. Colleges and universities nationwide not only accept homeschooled students, but many… read more