Featured Teacher: Marianne Way

By Giggle Magazine

Mrs. Marianne Way graduated cum laude with a BS Physics for Teachers degree. She started her teaching career in the Philippines back in 1994 and was fortunately invited to come to the US as an exchange teacher by the School District of Palm Beach County, Florida in 2001. She taught different science and math courses in the elementary and high school levels before serving as a STEM coordinator at her current school where she also teaches the Advanced Math courses and serves as the STEM Club advisor. She was granted the “Trailblazing Shamrock “ award last year and was nominated for FACTS Teacher Innovation award.


I am currently teaching at St. Juliana School.


PreK-3 to 8th grade


I started teaching back in 1994; this is my 30th year.


I am teaching STEM to students from PreK-3 to 8th grade. I also teach Advanced Math (Algebra and Geometry) to 7th and 8th grade students.

Why were you inspired to teach?

I have two sources of inspiration. The first one is my former math teacher who instilled in me the love of learning and the beauty of mathematics. My other source of inspiration are the innocent faces who are eagerly waiting to see some “Science magic” when I enter their classrooms. There is an inexplicable joy and sense of fulfillment when students develop new skills and when they excitedly express their love of learning. It is not uncommon for students meeting me in the hallway to share with me what “science” they’re doing at home. I feel blessed that I am able to share my love of STEM to the students.

What is your favorite part of the school day?

Our STEM club’s outreach project for this semester is to tutor younger grades after school so they can improve their math skills by doing drills and math games. My favorite part of the school day is when I meet with these student-volunteers to train them on becoming peer tutors for that day. I am so proud of them for striving to be good role models. At their young age, they feel the sense of responsibility to share the club mission and they take their roles as tutors seriously.

Do you have a favorite assignment/ project that you typically assign your students?

We do plenty of hands-on activities for STEM but the “Walking Rainbow” activity for preschoolers is my favorite. They are given a white “circle” (which is actually a compressed towel) and a dropper. The students then put drops of water on to the circle and watch it expand into a cylinder. I just love to see these little kids’ faces when the circle magically transforms into marshmallow (as they call it). They fold these towels and place them on alternating empty cups/cups filled with colored water and the liquid absorption results in the formation of walking rainbows.

How do you wind down from a long day of teaching?

I love visiting the beach in the afternoon or early evenings – just feeling the sea breeze and watching the breeze relaxes me.

What hobbies do you enjoy?

On the weekends, if it is not raining, I bring my beach chair, sunscreen, water and a good book to Dubois or Carlin Park and spend my early mornings reading. On Saturday afternoons, I volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul (along Indiantown Rd.). I practice yoga. I enjoy traveling as well.

Share a funny teaching moment.

This happened when I was teaching the 6th graders about weathering and erosion. We are doing a hands-on activity and they have to place M&Ms in a plastic tube and shake them so they will “weather.” This particular group of students had a very good relationship with each other. One student started a beat and next thing you know we are all on a conga line and having a good time… all while learning about weathering and erosion.

If you were a superhero, who would you be?

I will be Elastigirl, for sure, for I am flexible. I can substitute for the music teacher and teach the students about acoustics or characteristics of sounds. I can sub for the religion teacher and discuss buoyancy and Noah’s Ark. I can sub for PE and discuss impulse and momentum. It helps that I majored and physics, which is the basic science, because it encompasses many concepts that can be discussed in various fields.

What is your favorite book?

My favorite book is Atomic Habits by James Clear.

If you could share 3 pieces of advice to parents about how to make school time amazing, what would it be?

• I would like them to always remember that there are multiple intelligences and that children need to be supported and not be judged. Sometimes, there is too much pressure to excel academically. Students need to be pushed positively but first, they need to feel loved and accepted for who they are, and not forced to comply with unrealistic expectations.

• Second, guide your children in developing good habits. Excellence is not an act but a habit. Don’t rush the process, good things take time.

• Third, enjoy your children. Time flies. Don’t be afraid to be great parents!