5 Ways to Take the Fear out of Losing Teeth

By Sarah Sepe
Little girl smiling missing two front teeth

I remember my first wiggly tooth. For days, I feared the inevitable day my mom would yank it from my mouth. Butterflies constantly fluttered in my stomach: every bite, every sip, every tooth-brushing session. Losing teeth was nerve-wracking.

However, there was one part that made the process less dreadful: the Tooth Fairy. When the day came that my tooth was at its wits’ end, the tears slowed because my parents prepared me for my first visit from a fairy friend.

With February being National Children’s Dental Health Month (and to celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day Feb. 28), here are five ways to get your child from scared to prepared for their first lost tooth.

1. A Special Pillow

When you first notice the signs of a wiggly tooth, take a trip with your child to the store and let them pick out a special pillow. Having them go through this process of selecting their Tooth Fairy pillow will get them pumped up for their big day.

2. The Tooth Container

I still have some of my baby teeth in my Tooth Fairy box. Having your own, personal box to put under your pillow at night makes the experience all-the-more special. You can even make it a family activity by having them decorate their own tooth container. Here is one available at Walmart.

3. Have the “Big Kid” Talk

“I’m a big kid now!” sings the toddler in the Pull-Ups commercial. Children long to be viewed as bigger and more grown-up. Losing their “baby teeth” is a big step towards getting there. Sitting your child down to tell them this Tooth Fairy visit means that they are closer to becoming a big girl/boy will make them feel extra special.

4. Thank You Cards

Since the Tooth Fairy leaves a present underneath your child’s pillow, teaching them to write her a thank you card in advance of the visit is a way to build excitement for a good night’s sleep. It also is an opportunity to sit down and explain to your child why giving thanks is so important and allows them to be creative. 

According to the Child Development Institute, writing thank you cards is a good practice for children and can help their overall well-being: “Research reveals there’s a connection between expressing feelings in written form and well-being. Kids who get used to writing about what’s on their minds, whether to say thanks for gifts or share how they feel about events in a journal, can reduce stress.”

5. Switch Up the Spots You Hide the Tooth

Having your child place their tooth in a different location each time can be a fun, interactive way to get your child up in the morning. Running to their special spot in the morning can be similar to running to the Christmas tree on Christmas morning.

Whatever you do with your children, having a visit from the Tooth Fairy is a fun time in their life, not a scary one! 

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