How to Celebrate a Christmas Baby

By Nicole Irving, Publisher and Editor-In-Chief
Baby wearing Santa outfit

Welcoming a new baby into the world creates a whole new set of logistics for parents. Having a baby on Christmas Day can make things even more complicated. Now that they are here, how do you make them feel special on this very celebrated holiday that shares their birthday? Here are some tips on how to celebrate a Christmas baby.

Set the tone early

If your plan is to keep the two celebrations separate, set the tone early with family and friends. Have a non-Christmas themed shower, use non-holiday themed baby announcements and wrap baby in something other than red and green on her way home.

Celebrate the half year

As your little one gets older and you find many families start to travel during the holidays, planning a birthday party can get tricky. Some parents opt for a half birthday party tradition, celebrating the festivities in the summer.

Venture out to celebrate

Many places are open on Christmas, such as movie theaters. Take the birthday boy to a movie with popcorn and treats. If other parents allow, try to organize for him to bring one friend.

Gift giving

To celebrate a Christmas baby, make sure to differentiate gifts. Remind relatives that her birthday is separate and to refrain from doing the “joint” gift, at least while she is young.


Always get a birthday cake! “Birthday Fruit Cake” just doesn’t have the same ring to it. Make sure to get his favorite!

Personal tips

Mary Wintercorn says her parents always did a great job of making her feel special on her birthday, which just happens to be Christmas. Here she shares a few tips from personal experience that will help make your kiddo’s day extra special.

  • If you are worried about having a Christmas baby, or any holiday baby, Mary suggests planning. She said that she, “tried to make sure [her] sons weren’t born on or around holidays.” Knowing December birthday kids can sometimes get “cheated”, she planned to have her children away from the holiday season.
  • Schedule parties early. Mary says you should “try to plan your child’s birthday party in early December, before school is out and people start traveling or getting busy for the holidays.”
  • When it comes time for gift giving, Mary suggests NOT wrapping your child’s birthday presents in Christmas paper.

Where to See Santa this Season