5 Family Boredom Busters for a Summer Slump

By Amelia Bowles
Boy sitting at computer looking bored

There’s nothing worse than watching other families jet off on summer vacations or having your child get to their first day of school with no tales to tell of summer camp excitement because they’ve been stuck at home all summer. Maybe trips weren’t in the cards this year or summer camp isn’t really up your child’s alley. But family boredom doesn’t mean that the summer has to be a bust — here are five family activities to help you get out of that summer slump.

Backyard Camping

One way to beat family boredom is to break out the tents and the s’mores for a fun night of family bonding. Try heating the marshmallows on your grill after having a cookout with burgers and hotdogs. Take the opportunity to connect as a family, tell scary (or funny) stories, play games and enjoy some time outdoors. Try setting up an air mattress for an even more comfortable experience. The best part? There are bathrooms on site!

Movie Menus

Have your children pick some of their favorite movies and help them create a menu that is themed with the movie. The menu should include a drink, one or two snacks, a main course and a dessert. Get their creative juices flowing with all the different connections they can think of!

Backyard Olympics

Celebrate the 2024 Olympics this summer with one of your own! Let your children pick a country that they want to represent or help them create their own country and flag. Events can include foot races, egg-and-spoon races, water-balloon tosses, swimming competitions if you have a pool, shaving cream and cheese ball throwing contests and more!

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Visit a park or nature trail near you and have a scavenger hunt with your kids. Create a bingo card or list and have your children collect items or pictures of items that they might find along the way. They can include certain types of leaves, flowers, pinecones, feathers and more. See who can find all the items first or who can find the most items in a given amount of time. Then, take everyone out for ice cream as a reward!

At Home Science

Get your kids involved in the fun of learning with creative, at home science experiments. Make slime, Oobleck, erupting volcanoes, invisible ink, balloon rockets, egg in a bottle, rock candy and much more. Creativity and fun are sure to be just around the corner with each activity!

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